a) To provide an open forum for tackling key issues and challenges facing African football communities.
b) To enable and empower African communities to create new opportunities and open pathways through the development of strategic partnerships.
c) To create sustainable opportunities in participation and open pathways to access football at all levels of the game by providing opportunities to access funding, partnerships, coaching, training and education.
d) To increase representation and equity for the African football community in top flight football.
Through this competition, our ambition collectively and severally is to play the gracious game of football at the highest level in this country. We believe that given the opportunities available to us in this country and one day, the competition will produce individuals to participate at the highest level of football in this western world.
a) We want to provide a healthy and amicable social activity of interaction for our younger and old members of our communities.
b) We are focused on developing the younger talents in our community by providing a spring board which will help them progress their individual talents to higher levels and greener pastures.
c) We envisage that by forming and running this African Nations Cup UK, we are providing our younger generations mainly the adolescents and the youth a more productive alternative that will draw them away from destructive behaviour and activities.
d) We want to teach ourselves the basic concept of team work in our lives and also how to live and work with people from different cultures.
e) To encourage the adoption of healthy lifestyles and to contribute to improving the well being and quality of life of people of all ages and abilities hence living more healthy lives
f) Football being a social activity, our tournament provides us with an opportunity of meeting as people from the same community and interacting with one another with the aim of getting to know each other better and how we can help each other, even on personal issues.
g) Learning from the best; when we move around playing games all over the country, we appreciate the footballing culture of this country and the infrastructure. And this is a point of enlightment for us who come from the 3rd world.
Founder | Director
Dennis K. Mahadha

Co-Founder | Director
Eddie S. Kisitu

Marshall Gore